
French specialists in choral singing!
Alberto Grau- Recueil voix égales

Alberto Grau- Recueil voix égales

(Code: A135300044)

Come and sing Alberto Grau's collection for equal voices: This collection of South American songs selected and harmonized by Alberto Grau children's choir or women's choir allows us to discover the richness of this repertoire.
23.40 EUR

Come and sing Alberto Grau's collection for equal voices:

This collection of South American songs selected and harmonized by Alberto Grau children's choir or women's choir allows us to discover the richness of this repertoire.

About Alberto GRAU :

Composer and choral conductor Alberto GRAU (born in 1937) is recognized as one of Venezuela’s most influential contemporary musicians.
Known for his career as a choral conductor, he has become a leading composer of choral music in Latin America.
A number of his works have been printed by major publishing houses in the United States,England, Venezuela and France (Editions À Coeur Joie).
Alberto GRAU has studied under the direction of the most prominent Venezuelan musicians and has received numerous awards for his choral works.
He is the founder of the the Orfeón Universitario Simón Bolívar and the Schola Cantorum de Venezuela, which received First Prize in the « Guido D’Arezzo » competition in Italy in 1974. He has been a professor of choral music for over 30 years, at the University Institute of Musical Studies and the Simón Bolívar University in Caracas.
He was vice-president of the International Choral Music Federation from 1982 to 1996.Alberto GRAU is currently active in pedagogical projects which are changing the lives of thousands of youth in Latin America : Construir Cantando (Building Through Singing),Music for Social Action and the Andean Youth Choral Project./

Content :
  • Five songs for Children / cinco canciones infantiles
    • I Si San Pedro se muriera
    • II El San Pedro milagroso
    • III Ponte el gorro Peruchito
    • IV El San Pedro de mi tierra
    • V El San Pedro juega chapas
  • Cruje – silba (Andrés Bello)
  • Cumpleaños (Jesus Rosas Marcano)
  • Elefantea nun da ?
  • Kirio mirio
  • La ronda que nunca se acaba (Jesus Rosas Marcano)
  • Vou veri vou
  • Si en este momento te duermes, querube ! (Jesus Rosas Marcano)
  • Salve
  • Dolorosa
  • La flor de la miel (Manuel Felipe Rugeles)