
French specialists in choral singing!
Ann hini goz

Ann hini goz

(Code: A110502002)

This is a popular song from Brittany, this one of the most typical. It is also famous out of Brittany thanks to the French translation realized by Auguste Brizeux, a romantic Breton author of “Marie.” He is the poet of moors, of oaks, of granites: “Je suis un chant d’amour, Triste ou gai tour à tour!” (I am a love song, sometimes sad, sometimes happy). However, verses by Auguste Brizieux are not those suggested with the arrangement because they are not close from the literal translation enough. It constantly opposes the Breton mature woman a Breton has to prefer to the French young woman. If you ignore this opposition and its conclusion, it would be missing the true song’s theme.

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This is a popular song from Brittany, this one of the most typical. It is also famous out of Brittany thanks to the French translation realized by Auguste Brizeux, a romantic Breton author of “Marie.” He is the poet of moors, of oaks, of granites: “Je suis un chant d’amour, Triste ou gai tour à tour!” (I am a love song, sometimes sad, sometimes happy). However, verses by Auguste Brizieux are not those suggested with the arrangement because they are not close from the literal translation enough. It constantly opposes the Breton mature woman a Breton has to prefer to the French young woman. If you ignore this opposition and its conclusion, it would be missing the true song’s theme.