
French specialists in choral singing!
Cantate en forme de colombe- Grand choeur

Cantate en forme de colombe- Grand choeur

(Code: A121900734)

This liturgical cantata is intended to be performed by a standard mixed choir, a four mixed voice great choir, soloists, narrators, church ensembles, organs, flutes and you can also add brass quintet.

4.20 EUR
Discount on quantity

Hymne : redressez-vous (Etienne Daniel/ Didier Rimaud)
Recitatif : du livre de la Genèse (Etienne Daniel/ Didier Rimaud)
Psaume 118 (Etienne Daniel/ Didier Rimaud)
Récitatif de l'évangile (Etienne Daniel/ Didier Rimaud)
Grande litanie (Etienne Daniel/ Didier Rimaud)
Récitatif : du livre des actes (Etienne Daniel/ Didier Rimaud)
Carillon (Etienne Daniel/ Didier Rimaud)
Ostinatos canons et versets (Etienne Daniel/ Didier Rimaud)
Hymne : l'esprit souffle (Etienne Daniel/ Didier Rimaud)
Cantate en forme de colombe (Pierre-Gérard Verny/ Pierre-Gérard Verny)

This liturgical cantata is intended to be performed by a standard mixed choir, a four mixed voice great choir, soloists, narrators, church ensembles, organs, flutes and you can also add brass quintet.