Without doubt the most famous song by Anthoine de Bertrand (1530-1581), a composer who composer who will also set to music with as much talent about 85 songs on 85 songs on poems of Pierre de Ronsard (cf. the de Ronsard (cf. the very beautiful "Ô doux plaisir" published by Éditions à Coeur Joie, n° 6060). Published in three books between 1576 and 1578, these settings in music are, with the songs of his contemporary his contemporary Guillaume Boni who also also borrows from the poet, the best illustrations showing a close union between between poetry and music.
With "Ce ris plus doux", Anthoine de Bertrand is particularly attached to translate faithfully by figuralisms the meaning of the words as testifies it the first measure this vocalization on the word the word "ris". The last verse (impossible to translate : to plain the the mounts and mount the plains) is an beautiful example !