
French specialists in choral singing!
Good King Wenceslas-Le bon roi Wenceslas

Good King Wenceslas-Le bon roi Wenceslas

(Code: A110700482)

This one of the most famous Christmas carols. The melody keeps a singing style, and Bernard Lallement made an amazing French version of this contrasting polyphony. The 4-part mixed voices alternate with the 2-part of male equal voices, male voices and mixed voices, and tenor solo and/or baritone solo.

3.40 EUR
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This one of the most famous Christmas carols. The melody keeps a singing style, and Bernard Lallement made an amazing French version of this contrasting polyphony. The 4-part mixed voices alternate with the 2-part of male equal voices, male voices and mixed voices, and tenor solo and/or baritone solo.