
French specialists in choral singing!
Missa brevis Pro humilibus

Missa brevis Pro humilibus

(Code: A112800006)

This short mass is one of the songs written for amateur choirs. It’s a work for modest people with the noble meaning of being craftspeople, music blacksmiths, and sound builders with the pure wish of doing a fine work. Patrick Rutgé wants to write in a more contemporary language, to test different sounds and give it all to imagination and expression. The choir conveys incredible emotions, linking real and unspeakable without being easy or demagogic.

3.50 EUR
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Messe brève pro humilibus - Kyrie (Patrick Rutge)
Messe brève pro humilibus - Sanctus (Patrick Rutge)
Messe brève pro humilibus - Agnus (Patrick Rutge)

This short mass is one of the songs written for amateur choirs. It’s a work for modest people with the noble meaning of being craftspeople, music blacksmiths, and sound builders with the pure wish of doing a fine work. Patrick Rutgé wants to write in a more contemporary language, to test different sounds and give it all to imagination and expression. The choir conveys incredible emotions, linking real and unspeakable without being easy or demagogic.