
French specialists in choral singing!
Omnia vanitas- Choeur et piano

Omnia vanitas- Choeur et piano

(Code: A121900961)

This poem was written in Occitan by the troubadour Falquet de Romans (13th century).
It won the 2nd prize in Chansons pour changer de siècle competition for “Création d’oeuvres avec instruments” (creation of a sheet music with instruments) organized by ACJ Pyrénées-Adour in 1998.
Falquet de Romans is blaming the sicknesses of his century, but many elements can also apply for the 20th century. He calls for a return to the fundamental values, that is to say, faith. He is passionate and imploring, face to face with his reader. It is divided into three parts; the first part can be played separately. It’s a call and response between brasses and choirs. The rhythm is made by timpanis and snare drums. The instruments can be replaced by the piano. There is no difficulty for choir parts.

17.70 EUR
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Omnia vanitas (Benoit Amy De La Breteque/ Folquet De Romans)
Quand ben me soi apensat (Benoit Amy De La Breteque/ Folquet De Romans)
E tu caitu que faras ? (Benoit Amy De La Breteque/ Folquet De Romans)
Adonc garda com abraras (Benoit Amy De La Breteque/ Folquet De Romans)

This poem was written in Occitan by the troubadour Falquet de Romans (13th century).
It won the 2nd prize in Chansons pour changer de siècle competition for “Création d’oeuvres avec instruments” (creation of a sheet music with instruments) organized by ACJ Pyrénées-Adour in 1998.
Falquet de Romans is blaming the sicknesses of his century, but many elements can also apply for the 20th century. He calls for a return to the fundamental values, that is to say, faith. He is passionate and imploring, face to face with his reader. It is divided into three parts; the first part can be played separately. It’s a call and response between brasses and choirs. The rhythm is made by timpanis and snare drums. The instruments can be replaced by the piano. There is no difficulty for choir parts.