| | The Elizabethan madrigal had the characteristics...
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The greatest hit of atelier L19 during... |
| | | Henry Purcell was one of the most important...
| | | This is a Ghanaian piece coming from oral...
| | This sheet music highlights world music,...
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The great and legendary arrangement by Bob... |
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Fin de stock nombre d'exemplaires limité, nous... |
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“Zachée” was composed by Christopher Gibert... |
| | Traditionnel Beti (Cameroun), SATB a cappella,... |
| | | “Au zoo des Seize” is a series of 16 poems...
| | | These are 3 series of polyphonies based on...
| | | 2 chorals from Cantata 140 : Zion hört + Gloria... |