
French specialists in choral singing!
Trois chansons pour choeur d'enfants

Trois chansons pour choeur d'enfants

(Code: A111309184)
Children Choir and Piano - Le Nestour and Joubert
4.90 EUR
Discount on quantity

Three inspiring songs for children's choir from 7 to 12 years old and piano by Mathieu Le Nestour and Julien Joubert

1. Comptine en "on"

Mathieu LE NESTOUR (1979-), is a singer, pianist, composer and arranger, as well as a singing teacher in contemporary music and co-director of the "Voix en scène" workshop at the Villebon-sur-Yvette Conservatoire. He has taken part in numerous recordings. PMore lus d'informations : ici.

2. Le piano abandonné and 3. Supermarché Noé

Julien JOUBERT (1973-) : composer, singer, teacher, since 1994 at École Nationale de Musique d’Orléans (today coordinator and manager of musical projects involving classes from Orléans music schools and primary and secondary school classes) ;

lecturer at the University of Orléans, responsible for a "musical creation" option. His musical output includes instrumental and vocal music, musicals, symphonic music and some forty children's operas.

This educational leaflet is sold individually as it is intended for children, and a single purchase for the teacher/choirmaster is possible. We encourage you, of course, to buy the correct number of leaflets if you want your pupils to take part.


  • Comptine en on (Mathieu Le Nestour) 🎶 let's hear it 🎧

  • Le piano abandonné (Julien Joubert)🎶

    let's hear it


  • Supermarché Noé (Julien Joubert)🎶

    let's hear it


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