Asperges me domine (Lobo Mesquita)
Miserere (Lobo Mesquita)
Hosanna (I) (Lobo Mesquita)
Collegerunt pontifices (Lobo Mesquita)
Et venient romani (Lobo Mesquita)
Sanctus (Lobo Mesquita)
Benedictus (Lobo Mesquita)
Hosanna (Ii) (Lobo Mesquita)
Pueri hebraeorum (1Ere Version) (Lobo Mesquita)
Pueri hebraeorum (2Eme Version) (Lobo Mesquita)
Hymne au Christ-Roi : gloria laus (Lobo Mesquita)
Hymne au Christ-Roi : Israel es tu rex (Lobo Mesquita)
Hymne au Christ-Roi : coetus in excelsis (Lobo Mesquita)
Domine ne longe facias (Lobo Mesquita)
Tenuisti manum dexteram (Lobo Mesquita)
Passion selon Saint Matthieu (Lobo Mesquita)
Improperium exspectavit Cor Meum (Lobo Mesquita)
Office, Passion and Palm Sunday Mass for 4-part mixed choir
Restitution: Maria Inês JUNQUEIRA GUIMARÃES
Lobo de Mesquita is considered one of the greatest composers of religious music in Minas Gerais, a region of Brazil, during the colonial era. However, the Office and Mass containing the St. Matthew Passion written for Palm Sunday, dated 1782, is one of the few works by Lobo de Mesquita whose autograph has been found. To date, this important work has remained unpublished. This score is suitable for almost all choirs: harmonic style, no solfegic or rhythmic difficulties. The originality of this mass also lies in the writing for strings and 2 horns: the number of singers is limited and avoids large instrumental investments. The choirs will be able to perform this work as they wish: either only excerpts, or the Mass itself, or only the Passion, or of course the whole work.