
French specialists in choral singing!
In the merry month of May

In the merry month of May

(Code: A111309100)
There is only one singing of this English madrigalist published (Unknown birth date – 1608): the collection “Conzonets to Three Voyces”, released in London in 1608. This collection is composed of polyphonies dedicated to Edward Bacon’s 4 children. Youll is very influenced by some Morley’s 3 voices works published 15 years before his own collection. This canzonetta is typical of the English Elizabethan School. Using “F A A” enables Henri Youll to develop a kind of answer, the echo of the rhythmic cell “Crotchet, two quavers” for every voice. This onomatopoeia regularly used in the Western literature shows here, despite joy of May, the intensity of the text itself “Redoubling echoes sweetly”. So, let’s sing “sweetly”…
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There is only one singing of this English madrigalist published (Unknown birth date – 1608): the collection “Conzonets to Three Voyces”, released in London in 1608. This collection is composed of polyphonies dedicated to Edward Bacon’s 4 children. Youll is very influenced by some Morley’s 3 voices works published 15 years before his own collection. This canzonetta is typical of the English Elizabethan School. Using “F A A” enables Henri Youll to develop a kind of answer, the echo of the rhythmic cell “Crotchet, two quavers” for every voice. This onomatopoeia regularly used in the Western literature shows here, despite joy of May, the intensity of the text itself “Redoubling echoes sweetly”. So, let’s sing “sweetly”…